Motivational text. Live simple life. Believe in good things and good manners

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What should I say? Life is though. They are some good manners that we should follow.
There are some bad habits that we should ignore. But we must be enough strong.
We all have some dream. Studying in school. Improving our education so much. But does that will work out in future? We all don’t have chance to come from wealth family, who will give us money to go on collage. So we are in need to work so hard. We must pay our classes.
Some teachers will not encourage us much more thank other people. We all study so hard and so hard to get the job we want. Going on work for some funny salary. So we take another job. Some of our parents don’t encourage us so much. They also want to do the home chores. But we are so in low mood and so much in hopeless circle. Friends are going on party. But we only want to improve our studies. Some of us will find joy in reading books, some of us will want to take a walk. But there are so many obstacles. We look everyone happy, going on party, restaurants and we take care for money for study. Its such a mess. We get so much more nervous. And so many of us are so tired.
When come the final went out from collage we think that we will find some good job.
But for so many applies we don’t got the job.

And again we try. Maybe if we don’t have chance with this collage, lets apply another one. Life is tough for so many people.
And somehow we loose hope. And again two jobs working. But now lets take a chance to enjoy in life. Going in bar and have a beer.
Thant’s good idea. I know one person who completed two collages and don’t work the profession that is for it. So she got married.
She always wanted to have kids. I remember when she said she want six kids. But it don’t work that way. Passed 12 years and on her 42 birthday she was pregnant. She was over the moon. She is so caring mother. And teach her kid to have good manners and not to dwell so much in his wishes. She teaches him to be happy with a little. She don’t give him any chores to do. She went on a ranch. Taking care of vegetables and fruits. Having chickens and ducks. Seed everything she think it will be good for her kids health. I am so proud of her. But when we speak on camera I see how much skinny she is and so tired. But she fights for her kid. And want to be good mother.


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